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to edit/add content to the main page, navigate to PAGES > All PAGES > MAIN > Edit

There are a few different media type for the slider, the instructions below will describe how to insert each type into the slides

  1. Scroll down and find ADD SLIDE
  2. Select the content type from the drop down
  3. For IMAGE type select IMAGE
  4. Click ADD IMAGE to insert the image
  5. a window will appear where you can drag and drop the image you would like to add. the file type should be either JPG or PNG, with the file size max 1MB. this is the method on uploading media throughout the site. once it is uploaded it will show a tick on top right, make sure it is ticked
  6. click SELECT
  7. If you would like to link the slide, click on ADD LINK
  8. a window will appear where you can either:
    1. copy and paste external URL into the URL field. if this is the case then tick OPEN IN NEW TAB or:
    2. you can link it to any internal pages by searching in the search field, once found click on the link to insert it
  9. click ADD LINK
  10. This is where you can enter the caption, as per example we have a big text caption.
  11. for this caption to be this size, highlight the text and click HEADING 2 on the drop down
  12. to change the colour of the text, highlight the text and click on the icon and choose your colour.
  13. LOCAL VIDEO type. local video is a video file that is uploaded to your server. Click on ADD FILE
  14. a window will appear where you can upload the video file. i would strongly advise the file size does not exceed 5mb. once uploaded make sure its ticked
  15. click SELECT to insert the file
  16. EMBED VIDEO type. this is where you can embed video from youtube or vimeo. all you need is the link, paste it in the URL field and it should show preview.


In this page there are multiple content type that can be added. this manual will show in no particular order what we have set up for your current main page.



1) Media & Text




To add new content, scroll down and click ADD CONTENT

in the MEDIA & TEXT content type, there are a few options for the media similar to the slider: Image, Local Video and Embed Video.

the method of uploading/adding image and video file are the same used in the slider instruction


  1. select the media type
  2. click ADD IMAGE to add image, or ADD FILE to add video file
  3. This is the text area that appears next to the media. the body type should be wrapped in paragraph under #5 dropdown.
  4. this is a text that is embedded with link
  5. highlight the text, wrap in heading 3
  6. to embed link, click the icon, a window will appear similar to adding link in the slider section, follow the same steps.
  7. this is the orientation of the row, Media + Text which means Media on the left, Text on the right or the reverse.


screenshot of sample of reverse orientation with EMBED VIDEO type media


2) Fullscreen Text


  1. this is the text, you can edit this here, make sure they are in paragraph settings
  2. this is the author credit
  3. to distinguish author, we wrap them in HEADING 3
  4. to align the text in the center, click this icon. similarly, icon to the left is for left align, and the right one is for right align

3) 2 Text Fields


3) 2 Text fields

  1. This is where we input the section title
  2. note they are wrapped in HEADING 2
  3. We inserted a table to set the text in two columns, by clicking this icon. this is optional, you can just enter text if its going to go in one column (sample content SERVICES)
  4. Enter the text. we use soft break to enter the next word underneath
  5. They are wrapped in HEADING 3

4) Featured

this is the carousel with featured article/media

  1. you can change the image here by following outlined process above in the slider section in red
  2. this is where you can insert link by clicking SELECT LINK (process in the slider section in red)
  3. you can enter a custom title or caption here
  4. you can also add more featured item by clicking ADD ROW and repeat the process.

5) Overlay text & image

  1. Overlay image – this process will be used throughout for uploading/using images/video/file – click on ADD IMAGE, a pop up will appear
    1. You can drag and drop the image, and make sure a tick appeared to select, then click SELECT to use
  2. This is the overlaying text over the image – highlighted as the colour is white.
  3. make sure the text is wrapped with HEADING 2
  4. to change colour, click this button, and select the colour you like. make sure the text is highlighted prior to changing colour so that it selects the correct text


  To edit the ABOUT page navigate to PAGES > ALL PAGES > ABOUT > edit

  1. This is the fullscreen quote that appears first in the about page. similar to previous instructions in FULLSCREEN TEXT to align center and distinguish the author
  2. This is where you can enter the image. process is outlined in previous section
  3. This is the text area for your biography. the bold text are wrapped in HEADING 3
  4. This is the 2 text fields section, process is similar to previous instruction. all the text currently wrapped in HEADING 3
  5. We utilised table here similar to previous instruction.

UPDATE when done editing

BOOKING CONSULTATION PAGE is constructed very similar to the ABOUT PAGE, minus the image. the text content are constructed using 2 text field sections as per sample content.

Similarly, CONTACT PAGE has CONTACT IMAGE section where you can update the image, and a text section, minus 2 text fields function.


    to add blog post navigate to POSTS > ADD A NEW POST


  1. this is the title of the blog post
  2. this is the excerpt that will appear in the grid on the blog main page
  3. select blog as the category
  4. add a featured image by clicking on ADD FEATURED IMAGE. the process is the same for uploading media as previous instruction. this image will appear in the grid on the blog main page.
  5. add article banner by clicking ADD IMAGE. a landscape orientation is preferred for this.
  6. this is the post content. in this example we inserted a table with two columns to split the text into two columns
  7. this is the FAQ section, you can insert a table too if they are too long and split the content into two columns

PUBLISH once done, UPDATE if updating existing content.


to add media post navigate to POSTS > ADD A NEW POST


  1. this is the title of the media post
  2. copy and paste the external link to this field here.
  3. select media as the category
  4. add a featured image by clicking on ADD FEATURED IMAGE. the process is the same for uploading media as previous instruction. this image will appear in the grid on the media main page.

at the moment the media page is set to be linked to external article.

PUBLISH once done, UPDATE if updating existing content.


To add products, navigate to PRODUCTS > ALL PRODUCTS > ADD NEW


  1. enter the course title
  2. enter the module description. as per previous instructions, any headings here wrapped in HEADING 3
  3. enter the product image by clicking ADD PRODUCT IMAGE – the process are outlined in previous instruction
  4. select Courses as the category
  5. If you want to add extra images, click ADD ROW then ADD IMAGE, repeat the process for however many images you have
  6. This is the product data. make sure to tick DOWNLOADABLE
  7. enter the regular price
  8. and upload the file whether its a video, mp3 or pdf

PUBLISH when done, or UPDATE when updating.


  1. enter the event title
  2. enter the event date
  3. enter the product image by clicking ADD PRODUCT IMAGE – the process are outlined in previous instruction
  4. select Eventbrite and Event as the category
  5. enter the event description
  6. If you want to add extra images, click ADD ROW then ADD IMAGE, repeat the process for however many images you have
  7. copy and paste the Eventbrite URL to the event here
  8. This is the product data. make sure to tick VIRTUAL
  9. enter the regular price

PUBLISH when done, or UPDATE when updating.


  1. enter the module title
  2. enter the module description
  3. enter the product image by clicking ADD PRODUCT IMAGE – the process are outlined in previous instruction
  4. select Eventbrite and Event as the category
  5. If you want to add extra images, click ADD ROW then ADD IMAGE, repeat the process for however many images you have
  6. copy and paste the Teachable module URL here
  7. This is the product data. make sure to tick VIRTUAL
  8. enter the regular price

PUBLISH when done, or UPDATE when updating.


  1. navigate to appearance > Menus. on the drop down choose the menu to update, menus on the site are MAIN MENU, MENU RIGHT, FOOTER MENU LEFT and FOOTER MENU RIGHT – then click SELECT
  2. find the page to add, and then tick the box
  3. click ADD TO MENU. the item should be added to the right side. you can drag and drop the position.
  4. if you would like to change the wording, expand the menu item by clicking on the down arrow, and change the label.
  5. once done click SAVE MENU


Processing Orders

When there is a new order, you will get a notification email.

then you will need to process the order. to do this navigate to : Woocommerce > ORDERS

go into the order page, under STATUS click drop down, and select COMPLETED.

then press UPDATE. this will change the order status to completed and trigger a completion email sent to the customer